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About Freedom Middle School

School Hours: 9:00a.m. – 4:00p.m.

FMS Flag with Mission


Attendance Policy FMS Arrival Dismissal and Tardy Policy
CCSD Student Dress Code 2024-25 Directions
CCSD Cell Phone Policy 2024-25 School History 
CCSD Parent/Student Handbook/Discipline Code  District Calendar 
FMS Calendar School Supply Lists 
Freedom Middle School Student Handbook 2024-25


Students who are dedicated to following school rules experience middle school years that are filled with success and confidence. The FMS Student Handbook contains information that is intended to support families as we progress through the year. Our staff appreciates your support as we work collaboratively for a productive school year, and we look forward to embracing what the future holds for us.

There are many clubs and activities offered at Freedom Middle School.  Look over the student activities page, find a club, and get involved in the action at FMS!

Student Activities